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long build time for simple function

I'm wondering why my function is taking so much time to build. Longest time for me is 206.1ms, this is over 3 minutes !

187721.1ms InspectionViewController.swift:423:17    @IBAction @objc func btnSaveTouch(_ sender: Any)

I was looking for some optimizations, but can't find any reasonable reason why my function is so slow.

I'm using Alamofire here, and couple of fields (text fields, text views, and 2 x switches)

code looks like that:

@IBAction func btnSaveTouch(_ sender: Any) {

        var two_storeys = ""
        var legal_height_downstairs = ""

        if s_two_storeys.isOn {
            two_storeys = "Yes"
        } else {
            two_storeys = "No"

        if s_legal_height_downstairs.isOn {
            legal_height_downstairs = "Yes"
        } else {
            legal_height_downstairs = "No"

        let parameters : Parameters = [
            "inspection_date" : tf_inspection_date.text!,
            "property_type" : tf_property_type.text!,
            "beds" : tf_beds.text!,
            "baths" : tf_baths.text!,
            "cars" : tf_cars.text!,
            "our_price_min" : tf_our_price_min.text!,
            "our_price_max" : tf_our_price_max.text!,
            "max_rent" : tf_rent_max.text!,
            "min_rent" : tf_rent_min.text!,
            "upfront_max": tf_upfront_max.text!,
            "character": tf_character.text!,
            "character_years": tf_character_years.text!,
            "character_uers": tf_character_year.text!,
            "build_construction": tf_build_construction.text!,
            "roof_material":  tv_roof_material.text!,
            "house_on": tf_house_on.text!,
            "two_storeys": two_storeys,
            "legal_height_downstairs": legal_height_downstairs,
            "legal_height_downstairs_value" : tv_legal_height_downstairs_value.text!


        Alamofire.request(saveUrl, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseJSON { response in

            _ = handleError(response: response)




  • so Eric Aya was right. Now compile time for this function is 19.9ms. Working code below.

        var paramaters : Parameters = [:]
        paramaters["inspection_date"] = tf_inspection_date.text!
        paramaters["property_type"] = tf_property_type.text!
        paramaters["beds"] = tf_beds.text!
        paramaters["baths"] = tf_baths.text!
        paramaters["cars"] = tf_cars.text!
        paramaters["our_price_min"] = tf_our_price_min.text!
        paramaters["our_price_max"] = tf_our_price_max.text!
        paramaters["max_rent"] = tf_rent_max.text!
        paramaters["min_rent"] = tf_rent_min.text!
        paramaters["upfront_max"] = tf_upfront_max.text!
        paramaters["character"] = tf_character.text!
        paramaters["character_years"] = tf_character_years.text!
        paramaters["character_uers"] = tf_character_year.text!
        paramaters["build_construction"] = tf_build_construction.text!
        paramaters["roof_material"] = tv_roof_material.text!
        paramaters["house_on"] = tf_house_on.text!
        paramaters["two_storeys"] = two_storeys
        paramaters["legal_height_downstairs"] = legal_height_downstairs
        paramaters["legal_height_downstairs_value"] = tv_legal_height_downstairs_value.text!

    Answering Jeremy's question - Yes, got pretty simple code:

    enter image description here