I'm filtering a list of objects in AngularJS using ng-repeat:
<tr ng-repeat="application in page.applications | filter: {DisplayName:page.ApplicationSearchValue}">
If the user puts an exclamation point as the first character in the search box, then Angular interprets that as a negation symbol. So !MyApplication
returns all the applications except for MyAppliction.
I tried using a custom function as description in the Angular documentation for filter, but the exclamation point never finds its way into the function.
I found that the code is going through the following function in the AngularJS source code, which is basically enforcing that the exclamation point gets special treatment:
function deepCompare(actual, expected, comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp, dontMatchWholeObject) {
var actualType = getTypeForFilter(actual);
var expectedType = getTypeForFilter(expected);
if ((expectedType === 'string') && (expected.charAt(0) === '!')) {
return !deepCompare(actual, expected.substring(1), comparator, matchAgainstAnyProp);
My current "solution" is to change the filter object to:
filter: {DisplayName:(page.ApplicationSearchValue.indexOf('!') == 0 ? page.ApplicationSearchValue.substring(1) : page.ApplicationSearchValue)}
But it's only a matter of time until QA figures out that the problem would still occur if someone started the search box with !!
Is there a common pattern for dealing with this situation?
I ended up using a directive I modified from this post. https://stackoverflow.com/a/15346236/2908576
MyApp.directive("noNegation", [function() {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelController) {
ngModelController.$parsers.push(function(data) {
while (data.indexOf("!") == 0)
data = data.substring(1);
return data;
It ignores all exclamation points at the beginning of the input. That means that a search for !!!MyApplication
still returns MyApplication, even though the exclamation points aren't in the name.