The game has 4 players.Each player takes turns being the card czar after the round ends. I've stored cards assigned to each player in vectors. How would i create rounds in this game? Would i create a loop in the main function to run 4 times and clear the vectors and call my functions within the loop? Here is my main function:
int main()
vector<string> player;
vector<string> blackCards;
vector<string> whiteCards;
vector<string> CardCzar;
vector<string> player2;
vector<string> player3;
vector<string> player4;
int sz = 0;
int i = 0;
string n;
{ cout<<"Enter name for player"<<" "<< i+1 << " : "<<" ";
cin>> n;
sz = player.size();
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"*"<<player[sz - 4]<<" , you are the card czar for this round *" <<endl;
assign_bcards(blackCards , CardCzar, player);
assign_wcards(whiteCards, player2, player3, player4, player);
return 0;
To make rounds you could have a loop with a circular indicator that hits every player in order. An easy numerical way to do this is
int currentCzar = 0;
*Do game stuff*
currentCzar = (currentCzar+1) % numPlayers;
Since currentCzar is always less than numPlayers
(currentCzar+1) % numPlayers;
will always return a values c where
0 <= c <= numPlayers-1
Then just have some other flag tell you when to stop playing like a win condition. Also numPlayers would be the size of the array.
EDIT: You might also want to change the way you structre your data. Maybe by making a player a class or struct so that you can have something like
class Player{
vector<string> whiteCards;
vector<string> wonBlackCardsl
//Boilerplate class code
vector<Player> players;
*assign cards and create players*
int currentCzar = 0;
*Do game stuff*
//Have players[currentCzar] choose a black card
//Have every other player put down a white card
currentCzar = (currentCzar+1) % numPlayers;
Then you could couple the players to their hands in a much more direct way