I'm trying to read something from a file and then write in the same file. I had something like this and worked wonders:
int main() {
fstream fp;
string filePath = "test.csv";
string outString;
outString += "g1;1901;3;3;4;3;3;3;3\n";
outString += ";1902;3;3;4;3;3;3;3\n";
fp.open(filePath, ios::app | ios::in | ios::out);
fp << outString;
return 0;
then I had the read part, it reads well but then it doesn't write:
int main() {
fstream fp;
string outString;
string filePath = "test.csv";
string line, csvItem;
int numberOfGames = 0;
fp.open(filePath, ios::app | ios::in | ios::out);
if (fp.is_open()) {
while (getline(fp, line)) {
istringstream myline(line);
while (getline(myline, csvItem, ';')) {
cout << csvItem << endl;
if (csvItem != "" && csvItem.at(0) == 'g') {
if (numberOfGames == 0) {
outString = "Game;Year;AUS;ENG;FRA;GER;ITA;RUS;TUR\n";
outString += "g";
outString += to_string(numberOfGames + 1);
outString += ";1901;3;3;4;3;3;3;3\n";
outString += ";1902;3;3;4;3;3;3;3\n";
fp << outString;
return 0;
The file is created if it doesn't exist, else, it is read. The read part was based on the accepted answer to this question: Reading a particular line in a csv file in C++.
Thank you very much!
Once you reach the end of the file, you get fp.eof() == true. If you check the values returned by fp.tellg() (read/get position) and fp.tellp() (write/put position), you can see that they are invalid at that moment.
What you need is to reset the stream state once you reach EOF and before you start reading: