I have extracted displayed sender names from .mbox file exported by Gmail and read in with tm.plugin.mail. Some names are in "quoted-printable" format (e.g. =?UTF-8?Q?stern=2Ede_-_t=C3=A4glich?=), including both special characters and something that looks like a specification of the encoding (=?UTF-8?). I want to convert these to a UTF-8 or latin1 encoded character vector.
I have tried Encoding()
and iconv()
that I would use for other encoding issues without success:
qp_encoded <- "=?UTF-8?Q?stern=2Ede_-_t=C3=A4glich?="
# List of available encodings
# On my computer (OS X) there seems to be no encoding related to MIME
# or quoted-printable
# None of them give correct result
for(encoding in iconvlist()){
print(iconv(qp_encoded, from = encoding, to = "UTF-8"))
# Accepted answer on other post (see below)
Encoding(qp_encoded) <- "latin1"
qp_encoded # No change in encoding
There is one answer to the same question here, but the answer is just an example copied from Encoding()
and doesn't work with the op's example.
There are several other questions relating to the issue in Go and C and a function in PHP and javascript, but I can't figure out how to call them from or export them to R.
EDIT: I now use Python and quopri.decodestring()
via the rPython package, but the solution doesn't seem very efficient.
python.assign( "stringVector", qp_encoded)
"import quopri",
"result = []",
"for i in range(0, len(stringVector)):",
"\tresult.append(str(quopri.decodestring(stringVector[i], header=False)))"
test <- python.get("result")
Is there any other R function/package that converts quoted-printable? Can I extend iconv()
to also convert quoted-printable?
I've been thinking of making a pkg for quoted printable encoding/decoding. This is a pretty fast lookup-table version:
qp_before <- c("=00", "=01", "=02", "=03", "=04", "=05", "=06", "=07", "=08", "=09", "=0A",
"=0B", "=0C", "=0D", "=0E", "=0F", "=10", "=11", "=12", "=13", "=14", "=15",
"=16", "=17", "=18", "=19", "=1A", "=1B", "=1C", "=1D", "=1E", "=1F", "=20",
"=21", "=22", "=23", "=24", "=25", "=26", "=27", "=28", "=29", "=2A", "=2B",
"=2C", "=2D", "=2E", "=2F", "=30", "=31", "=32", "=33", "=34", "=35", "=36",
"=37", "=38", "=39", "=3A", "=3B", "=3C", "=3D", "=3E", "=3F", "=40", "=41",
"=42", "=43", "=44", "=45", "=46", "=47", "=48", "=49", "=4A", "=4B", "=4C",
"=4D", "=4E", "=4F", "=50", "=51", "=52", "=53", "=54", "=55", "=56", "=57",
"=58", "=59", "=5A", "=5B", "=5C", "=5D", "=5E", "=5F", "=60", "=61", "=62",
"=63", "=64", "=65", "=66", "=67", "=68", "=69", "=6A", "=6B", "=6C", "=6D",
"=6E", "=6F", "=70", "=71", "=72", "=73", "=74", "=75", "=76", "=77", "=78",
"=79", "=7A", "=7B", "=7C", "=7D", "=7E", "=7F", "=80", "=81", "=82", "=83",
"=84", "=85", "=86", "=87", "=88", "=89", "=8A", "=8B", "=8C", "=8D", "=8E",
"=8F", "=90", "=91", "=92", "=93", "=94", "=95", "=96", "=97", "=98", "=99",
"=9A", "=9B", "=9C", "=9D", "=9E", "=9F", "=A0", "=A1", "=A2", "=A3", "=A4",
"=A5", "=A6", "=A7", "=A8", "=A9", "=AA", "=AB", "=AC", "=AD", "=AE", "=AF",
"=B0", "=B1", "=B2", "=B3", "=B4", "=B5", "=B6", "=B7", "=B8", "=B9", "=BA",
"=BB", "=BC", "=BD", "=BE", "=BF", "=C0", "=C1", "=C2", "=C3", "=C4", "=C5",
"=C6", "=C7", "=C8", "=C9", "=CA", "=CB", "=CC", "=CD", "=CE", "=CF", "=D0",
"=D1", "=D2", "=D3", "=D4", "=D5", "=D6", "=D7", "=D8", "=D9", "=DA", "=DB",
"=DC", "=DD", "=DE", "=DF", "=E0", "=E1", "=E2", "=E3", "=E4", "=E5", "=E6",
"=E7", "=E8", "=E9", "=EA", "=EB", "=EC", "=ED", "=EE", "=EF", "=F0", "=F1",
"=F2", "=F3", "=F4", "=F5", "=F6", "=F7", "=F8", "=F9", "=FA", "=FB", "=FC",
"=FD", "=FE", "=FF", "=\r\n")
qp_after <- c("", "\001", "\002", "\003", "\004", "\005", "\006", "\a", "\b", "\t", "\n",
"\v", "\f", "\r", "\016", "\017", "\020", "\021", "\022", "\023", "\024",
"\025", "\026", "\027", "\030", "\031", "\032", "\033", "\034", "\035",
"\036", "\037", " ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+",
",", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":",
";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I",
"J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
"Y", "Z", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
"h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v",
"w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "\177", "\x80", "\x81", "\x82",
"\x83", "\x84", "\x85", "\x86", "\x87", "\x88", "\x89", "\x8a", "\x8b",
"\x8c", "\x8d", "\x8e", "\x8f", "\x90", "\x91", "\x92", "\x93", "\x94",
"\x95", "\x96", "\x97", "\x98", "\x99", "\x9a", "\x9b", "\x9c", "\x9d",
"\x9e", "\x9f", "\xa0", "\xa1", "\xa2", "\xa3", "\xa4", "\xa5", "\xa6",
"\xa7", "\xa8", "\xa9", "\xaa", "\xab", "\xac", "\xad", "\xae", "\xaf",
"\xb0", "\xb1", "\xb2", "\xb3", "\xb4", "\xb5", "\xb6", "\xb7", "\xb8",
"\xb9", "\xba", "\xbb", "\xbc", "\xbd", "\xbe", "\xbf", "\xc0", "\xc1",
"\xc2", "\xc3", "\xc4", "\xc5", "\xc6", "\xc7", "\xc8", "\xc9", "\xca",
"\xcb", "\xcc", "\xcd", "\xce", "\xcf", "\xd0", "\xd1", "\xd2", "\xd3",
"\xd4", "\xd5", "\xd6", "\xd7", "\xd8", "\xd9", "\xda", "\xdb", "\xdc",
"\xdd", "\xde", "\xdf", "\xe0", "\xe1", "\xe2", "\xe3", "\xe4", "\xe5",
"\xe6", "\xe7", "\xe8", "\xe9", "\xea", "\xeb", "\xec", "\xed", "\xee",
"\xef", "\xf0", "\xf1", "\xf2", "\xf3", "\xf4", "\xf5", "\xf6", "\xf7",
"\xf8", "\xf9", "\xfa", "\xfb", "\xfc", "\xfd", "\xfe", "\xff", "")
Now to decode:
qp_encoded <- "=?UTF-8?Q?stern=2Ede_-_t=C3=A4glich?="
stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(qp_encoded, qp_before, qp_after, vectorize_all=FALSE)
## "=?UTF-8?Q?stern.de_-_täglich?="
For now, i've stuck this decoder in my personal R pkg (not on CRAN):