I have a table in which one of field is Real data type. I need to show the values in decimal format like #.###. So i'm converting the real values to decimal. But when i convert for some values it is not generating actual value. For eg:- 20.05 is the actual value. multiple it by 100 and then it to decimal(9,4) it will return like 2004.9999.
select cast(cast(20.05 as real)*100.00 as decimal(9,4))
Why this is returning like this ?
or Float
are not precise...
Even if you see the value as "20.05", even if you type it in like this, there will be tiny differences.
Your value 2004.9999
(or similar something like 2005.00001
) is due to the internal representation of this type.
If you do the conversion to decimal
first, it should work as expected:
select cast(cast(20.05 as real) as decimal(9,4))*100.00
But you should really think about, where and why you use floating point numbers...
With SQL-Server 2012+ you might use FORMAT()
SELECT FORMAT(CAST(20.05 AS REAL)*100,'###.0.000')
This will allow you, to sepcify the format, and you will get text back.
This is fine for presentation output (lists, reports), but not so fine, if you want to continue with some kinds of calculations.