I wanna do a validation that sums the values of nested fields so I make sure it's 100%. So, in my parent model, I would do the validation, and do a self.errors.add
and add the error if the validation fails. The problem is, the errors.add
as long as I know expects some attribute as argument, but it's not related to any attribute on my parent model, so I would like to display that message on the top of the form, for example. Any ideas of how I can do that? thank you!
This is my parent model, where I wanna validate. The form has nested fields for :arrendamento_contrato_unidades.
class ArrendamentoContrato < ApplicationRecord
has_many :arrendamento_contrato_unidades, dependent: :destroy
validate :check_total_percentual_credito
def check_total_percentual_credito
if arrendamento_contrato_unidades.sum(&:percentual_credito).to_f != 100.0
self.errors.add :base, "Tem que ser 100%"
My create method, which it's the one I'm testing:
def create
@arrendamento_contrato = ArrendamentoContrato.new(arrendamento_contrato_params)
respond_to do |format|
if @arrendamento_contrato.save
format.html {
flash[:notice] = flash_notice
redirect_to action: "index"
format.json { render json: {status: 1, redirect: arrendamento_contratos_url} }
format.html { render :new }
format.json { render json: {status: 0, errors: @arrendamento_contrato.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity} }
--- Also, I debugged my object.errors.full_messages on the form, and the error is there. It's only not being displayed!
I guess that add errors to the base it's what I'm looking for. But now, it's not showing my message, but only that I have validation errors. My form code:
= simple_form_for(@arrendamento_contrato, validate: true, html: { id:"dropzoneForm", class: "dropzone dz-clickable"}) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :numero
= f.association :usina, input_html: {class: "chosen-select"}
= f.association :esco_contrato, input_html: {class: "chosen-select"}
= f.association :om_contrato, input_html: {class: "chosen-select"}
= f.input :data_inicio, as: :string, input_html: {"data-mask" => "date"}
= f.input :data_fim, as: :string, input_html: {"data-mask" => "date"}
= f.input :valor_mensal, as: :string, input_html: {"data-mask" => "decimal"}
- if !@arrendamento_contrato.arrendamento_contrato_unidades || @arrendamento_contrato.arrendamento_contrato_unidades.empty?
h3 = I18n.t('activerecord.models.unidade_consumidora.other')
'Aguardando ESCO...
- else
label class='control-label'
= I18n.t('activerecord.models.unidade_consumidora.other')
label class='control-label'
= I18n.t('activerecord.attributes.arrendamento_contrato_unidade.percentual_credito')
= f.simple_fields_for :arrendamento_contrato_unidades do |f|
= render 'arrendamento_contrato_unidade_fields', f: f
i guess it should work for you