Whenever I enter the following code:
def in_fridge():
count = fridge[wanted_food]
except KeyError:
count = 0
return count
fridge = {"apples": 10, "oranges": 3, "milk": 9}
wanted_food = "apples"
Into the IDLE, "10" is outputted.
When I enter the same code into the code editor and then press F5, nothing is outputted. As a test, I created a new file in the code editor, entered:
print ("Hello World")
and dutifully got the outputted result, i.e. hello world displayed in a new window from the IDLE shell.
So I am curious as to why I get a value displayed in the IDLE environment but not the code editor, when I have entered precisely the same code.
You have to print that, because in IDLE the return is shown on console if not stored in a variable. Which doesn't happen when running a script, in script if something is returned by a function you need to capture that. Using =
operator like result_of_func = function_name()
and then print the value storred in that variable print(result_of_func)
This will work :
def in_fridge():
count =fridge [wanted_food]
except KeyError:
count =0
return count
fridge ={"apples":10, "oranges":3, "milk":9}
print (in_fridge())
Or :
in_fridge_count = in_fridge()
print ('Count in fridge is : ',in_fridge_count)