The following contents is my footer content in Podfile.lock:
RxSwift: af5680055c4ad04480189c52d28385b1029493a6
SDWebImage: '098e97e6176540799c27e804c96653ee0833d13c'
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 1985f3107c446b3ecb03cb8e483a9dea9f528a77
COCOAPODS: 1.2.0.beta.1
Why is the SDWebImage's checksum within double quotations?
Maybe Some bugs for cocoapods-1.2.0.beta.1?
But my colleagues don't have this problem. And I'm sure we are using the same version for cocoapods. It will leading llvm reporting error when compiling.
I have committed a issue in Github page:
It seems like using different versions of psyche.