I use Asp.net core DI correctly in my Stateless service since is basically a normal WebApi application with controllers.
I can't figure out how to use Dependency Injection in Stateful Services. This is the default constructor for the Stateful service:
public MyService(StatefulServiceContext context): base(context)
And is called in Program.cs by
ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync("MyStatefulType",context => new MyService(context)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
I would like to use something like this in the Stateful service:
private readonly IHelpers _storageHelpers;
public MyService(IHelpers storageHelpers)
_storageHelpers = storageHelpers;
I already registered it in the Configuration section of the Stateful service, but if I try to use the code above I have the error:
StatefulService does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
How to make it work?
The error is about the constructor of StatefulService, it requires at least a ServiceContext parameter. Your code only supplies the Storagehelper.
This would be the simplest way to make it work:
private readonly IHelpers _storageHelpers;
public MyService(StatefulServiceContext context, IHelpers storageHelpers)
: base(context)
_storageHelpers = storageHelpers;
ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync("MyStatefulType",context => new MyService(context, new StorageHelper())).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
In 'program' you could also use the IOC container to get the Storage helper instance.