In my app, I want to kick off an timer that triggers an action every x minutes, regardless if the user is currently in the app or not. I have been reading around and am not sure which combo of Broadcast and Receiver types I should use - any guidance would be helpful.
Example of user actions:
when the user hits button set alarm as
AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
am.setRepeating (AlarmManager.Type,
long triggeringtime,
long interval,
PendingIntent operation);
here triggeringtime is how to time it shud take to take an action
and interval how to much time it would take to do the same.
here operation is the Intent which you need to execute like it may be an activity or Service you can Define it as
operation = PendingIntent.getActivity( context, 0, intent or service, 0);
2 and 3 step will be continuously run thats what the alarm manager does.
This alarm continues repeating until explicitly removed with
I am a beginner Sry if i wrong. Hope it helps!