I'm trying to measure the time it takes for PHP to sort data using Merge Sort. When I try to sort 10.000+ data, the calculation using microtime(true)
always returns values like:
That's not even 1 second. Is PHP really that fast? When I sort the data, I need to wait for a few seconds until the page completely load. Maybe there's something wrong with my code.
<?php$fileName = 'Ten_Thousand_Number_List.txt';
$fileContent = file($fileName, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$timeStart = microtime(true);
function mergeSort(&$fileContent) {
if (sizeof($fileContent) <= 1) {
return $fileContent;
// Split array into 2, left and right
$leftFrag = array_slice($fileContent, 0, (int)(count($fileContent)/2));
$rightFrag = array_slice($fileContent, (int)(count($fileContent)/2));
// split the two halves into their respective halves...
$leftFrag = mergeSort($leftFrag);
$rightFrag = mergeSort($rightFrag);
$returnArray = merge($leftFrag, $rightFrag);
return $returnArray;
function merge(&$lF, &$rF) {
$result = array();
global $numberOfComparison;
// while both arrays have something in them
while (count($lF)>0 && count($rF)>0) {
if ($lF[0] <= $rF[0]) {
array_push($result, array_shift($lF));
else {
array_push($result, array_shift($rF));
// did not see this in the pseudo code,
// but it became necessary as one of the arrays
// can become empty before the other
array_splice($result, count($result), 0, $lF);
array_splice($result, count($result), 0, $rF);
return $result;
$timeEnd = microtime(true);
$sortedArray = mergeSort($fileContent);
$memoryAllocation = memory_get_peak_usage();
echo "<br>";
// echo "Time elapsed: " . $timeEnd . " " . $timeStart . "<br>";
echo "Time elapsed: " . ($timeEnd - $timeStart) . "<br>";
echo "Memory used: " . $memoryAllocation . "<br>";
You're setting your end time before you've sorted anything. Change:
$timeEnd = microtime(true);
$sortedArray = mergeSort($fileContent);
$sortedArray = mergeSort($fileContent);
$timeEnd = microtime(true);