This might seem a dumb question but its been a few hours I search about it without really finding exactly what I'm seeking for.
In Maple, if you have a polynomial like this:
How do I convert this expression to an expression that has floating point coefficients (s^3 + 19s^2 + 89.13s + 71.13) within Maple?
This should just be embedded in the collect() function in my opinion (like a parameter 'float'). Right now I have to calculate myself each polynomial myself (only using Maple to simplify some lengthy calculations in a physics class), which is downright retarded.
The easiest way to evaluate your results using floating point approximation is to use the evalf command:
If you are really just interested in floating point results, it is worth noting that if one or more of the terms in your original expression is floating point, Maple will evaluate the results in floating point. For example:
Also note that I changed your use of lower-case pi (the Greek letter) to Pi (the mathematical constant) in the code above.