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Extension modules: marshalling void * to bytearray (and/or vice versa)

Doing some experiments using python (means python3) for preparing data (also as sending them to wire - SPI) shows it is slow (having limited system). So I was thinking of creation of extension module written in C to defer the critical stuff to. I would like either:

  • the python script would have access to memory block created by the malloc() in the extension module hopefully transparently convertible to bytearray
  • the extension module would get the pointer to bytearray object created in python hopefully transparently convertible to void *

The goal is to have zero copy also as zero conversion memory block accessible by both python (as bytearray) and extension module (as void *).

Is there any method, how to achieve this?


  • OK, it seems to be simpler than expected ;-)

    • bytearray provides direct support for accessing underlying memory block, which is exactly what is needed
    • there is a format specifier for extracting bytearray object from function call argument list

    C extension module [test.c]:

    #include <Python.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    /* Forward prototype declaration */
    static PyObject *transform(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
    /* Methods exported by this extension module */
    static PyMethodDef test_methods[] =
         {"transform", transform, METH_VARARGS, "testing buffer transformation"},
         {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
    /* Extension module definition */
    static struct PyModuleDef test_module =
     * The test function 
    static PyObject *transform(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
        PyByteArrayObject *byte_array;
        uint8_t           *buff;
        int                buff_len = 0;
        int                i;
        /* Get the bytearray object */
        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Y", &byte_array))
            return NULL;
        buff     = (uint8_t *)(byte_array->ob_bytes); /* data   */
        buff_len = byte_array->ob_alloc;              /* length */
        /* Perform desired transformation */
        for (i = 0; i < buff_len; ++i)
            buff[i] += 65;
        /* Return void */
        return Py_None;
    /* Mandatory extension module init function */
    PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_BytearrayTest(void)
        return PyModule_Create(&test_module);

    C extension module build/deployment script []:

    from distutils.core import setup, Extension
    module = Extension('BytearrayTest', sources = ['test.c'])
    setup (name = 'BytearrayTest',
           version = '1.0',
           description = 'This is a bytearray test package',
           ext_modules = [module])

    Build/install the extension module:

    # ./ build
    # ./ install

    Test it:

    >>> import BytearrayTest
    >>> a = bytearray(16); a
    >>> BytearrayTest.transform(a); a