I have created a Parcelable Object called Task shown below
public final class Task implements Parcelable {
// Lots of code, including parceling a single task
I have already written all the Parcelable code for single Tasks. But now I'm working on a new activity that requires an array of Tasks. On the one hand, I could create a TaskList
public class TaskList implements Parcelable {
List<Task> taskList;
// other stuff
but that means I would have to create a new object and rewrite a lot of Parcelable logic (even if it's almost identical). Instead it would be really nice if I could somehow just pass an array of Tasks. But the only function I see is this one.
public static final Parcelable.Creator<Task> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Task>() {
public Task createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new Task(in);
// This one......
public Task[] newArray(int size) {
return new Task[size];
// This one......
And I'm not really sure how Parceable would use this function to handle an array of Tasks. How can I pass an array of Tasks instead of creating a TaskList?
Do something like this to write an array list into Parcelable
public class Task implements Parcelable {
List<Task> taskList;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
private Task(Parcel in) {
taskList = (List<Task>) in.readValue(List.class.getClassLoader());
It 100% works for me.