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How do we combine mutations in Relay from multiple React components?

I am new to Relay and I am currently trying to use mutations. In my use case, I have a form made up of several React components and I want to capture the changes/mutation of each component, combine them in the parent component and then commit the changes to GraphQL server. How can I do this?

The examples that I have seen so far all deal with the mutation being used and committed in a single component. I want to use the same pattern that is used for querying where fragments are localised within the react component and then they are combined to create a query for server.


  • I had asked the same question on GitHub where @yachaka and @josephsavona answered.
    Here is @josephsavona's answer:-

    ...a straightforward approach would be to accumulate all of the changes from child components in a parent component (using callbacks and local state or something like Redux) and then make a single mutation when the user saves/commits the changes.
    One pattern is to use applyUpdate to optimistically apply each individual change, then roll all those optimistic mutations back when applying the final mutation.

    See for the full discussion.