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Explicit variable declaration when using extract()

I have the following snippet:

protected function sendEmail($email)

                    ->send($header, $params);

This code works perfectly (full source code here). However, I want to make sure to follow some good practices on the go. I'm currenlty getting [some CodeClimate warnings] (PHPMD)(

  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$locale'.
  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$timezone'.
  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$template'.
  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$subject'.
  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$header'.
  • Avoid unused local variables such as '$params'.

Which would be elegant ways to go about it?

Should I explicitly declare the variables with list() or something like such?

Thanks in advance


  • You can use doc comment annotations to exclude methods or classes from PHPMD or to suppress special rules for some software artifacts.

     * This will suppress all the PMD warnings in
     * this class.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD)
    class Bar {
        function  foo() {
            $baz = 23;

    Or you can suppress one rule with an annotation like this:

    class Bar {
         * This will suppress UnusedLocalVariable
         * warnings in this method
         * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable)
        public function foo() {
            $baz = 42;


    Users of PHPStorm not using PHPMD can use

    /** @noinspection RULE */

    Where rule can be found here