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Use case of Observable .do() operator (rxjs)

 Context :

I'm building an angular 2 app (with a Firebase API). I'm using the AngularFire module. I was wondering how I can mix the canActivate method with the AngularFire auth Observable, and I found this post. The answer is to make the canActivate method returns an Observable<boolean> :

canActivate(): Observable<boolean> {
  return this.auth
    .map((authState: FirebaseAuthState) => !!authState)
    .do(authenticated => {
      if (!authenticated) this.router.navigate(['/login']);

It's the first time I see the Observable do operator, and I can't understand what it really does ? The official doc didnt help me, and I didn't found decent examples.


Can someone bring here some examples of .do() usage ? And difference with .subscribe() ?


  • Update

    Now it's pipe( tap(...), ) instead of do()


    .do() is to execute code for each event. A difference to .map() is, that the return value of .do() is ignored and doesn't change what value the subscriber receives.