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Anybody using .netTiers?

I'm considering adopting .nettiers for a new project as it seems to provide a lot of functionality I could use.

Is anybody using it in anger (I'm getting the feeling it hasn't got the following it once had) and if so, what are your perceptions of it?

Also, I can't find any comparative performance metrics against things like SubSonic. Anybody have any strong feelings about its performance and scalability?

Many thanks



  • When I used NetTiers, I was very happy with it to an extent. You really need to learn the best ways to use it. There were definitely some weird bugs, things that had arbitrary limits and so forth. You have to be careful with it but it can definitely improve your productivity if you learn. I know CodeSmith has started putting more resoucres in it. The version 2.3 might be very solid. Although, the latest current stable version may be pretty solid, I haven't used it in awhile.

    Honestly, at this point I prefer LLBLGen. I did try SubSonic a couple times. I didn't run into major bugs but I ended up switching, in both cases, to NetTiers. With SubSonic I felt that I was just typing out way too many string literals and it just didn't feel as mature as other alternatives.