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android - What do I need to keep to persist alarm after reboot?

I am currently developing an android application where I need to setup persistent alarms that will fire on a specific date and time and show a notification. It works well but the system clears all alarms upon rebooting.

From other questions I know that if I create a BroadcastReceiver forBOOT_COMPLETED I can rearm canceled alarms. My question is: What information about those alarms I need to keep in order to rearm them when needed?

Some people say that I need to persist all the Intent extras and the fire datetime in order to recreate the PendingIntent upon rebooting.

Others say that if I only persist the requestCode for the PendingIntent, after reboot I can use this code to get the canceled PendingIntent and rearm the alarm, because when the device reboots the PendingIntent's are just canceled instead of deleted.

Which one is right way to do it?


  • PendingIntents will not persist after reboot, so to be safe just restart your alarms in the BroadcastReceiver with all the intent extras that you make when you first initialized the alarm, and keep the requestcode the same.