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Multiple requestmapping value with path variables from thymeleaf

I have to send two data from thymeleaf to controller like this in a th:href:

<table id="itemTable" class="deneme">
    <tr th:each="item : ${list.items}">
            <p th:text="${item.content}"/>
            <a th:href="@{/deleteItem/{listId}(listId=${})/{itemId}(itemId=${})}">

The controller is:

public String deleteItem(Model model, @PathVariable(value = "listId") Integer listId, @PathVariable(value = "itemId") int itemId) {
    return "list";

itemId is coming with the true value but listId is coming as {listId}(listId=${})

What is the problem exactly? Please help me!


  • The syntax for multiple parameters looks like this:

    <a th:href="@{/deleteItem/{listId}/{itemId}(listId=${},itemId=${})}"><span>Delet‌​e</span></a>