I have this error when running my application on debug mode :
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property root on MyClass.
The problem is that MyClass doesn't contain any root property and i don't know how it get it, I have isRoot property at the Java Class with setRoot setter and isRoot methods,
at the flex side i have isRoot as public without getter and setter.... could the problem be just convention names compatibility
The flex property name must be root
instead of isRoot
BlazeDS is using the Java Beans naming convention. For more informations read the BlazeDS Developer Guide / Serializing between ActionScript and Java:
BlazeDS uses the standard Java class, java.beans.Introspector, to get property descriptors for a Java bean class. It also uses reflection to gather public fields on a class. It uses bean properties in preference to fields. The Java and ActionScript property names should match.