I have read Test::Mojo but do not find how to use route name while application testing:
$t->get_ok( 'list_users' )->status_is( 302 )->location_is( 'auth_login' );
Where list_users
and auth_login
$r->get( '/login' )->to( 'auth#login' )->name( 'auth_login' );
$r->get( '/users' )->to( 'user#index' )->name( 'list_users' );
I seems to me it will be very handy if *_ok
will count given string same as redirect_to
does. VOTEUP if this looks good for feature request to you too.
As work around this problem I try to use url_for
without success:
$t->url_for( 'list_users' );
#Can't locate object method "url_for" via package "Test::Mojo"
How can I get route path by its name from test script?
I use Test::Mojo::Role as adviced by Sebastian Riedel:
package Test::Mojo::Role::MyRole;
use Role::Tiny;
use Test::More;
sub _build_ok {
my( $self, $method, $url ) = ( shift, shift, shift );
if( my $route = $t->app->routes->lookup( 'list_users' ) ) {
$url = $route->render;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
return $self->_request_ok( $self->ua->build_tx( $method, $url, @_ ), $url );
sub location_is {
my( $t, $url, $desc ) = @_;
if( my $route = $t->app->routes->lookup( 'list_users' ) ) {
$url = $route->render;
$desc //= "Location: $url";
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
return $t->success( is($t->tx->res->headers->location, $url, $desc) );
use Test::Mojo::WithRoles 'MyRole';
our $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new( 'MyApp' );
$t->get_ok( 'list_users' )->status_is( 302 )->location_is( 'auth_login' );
That is better to do reverse: try to get route name from location and compare it to expected result