When pushing images to Amazon ECR, if the tag already exists within the repo the old image remains within the registry but goes in an untagged state.
So if i docker push image/haha:1.0.0
the second time i do this (provided that something changes) the first image gets untagged from AWS ECR
Is there a way to safely clean up all the registries from untagged images?
I actually forged a one line solution using aws cli
aws ecr describe-repositories --output text | awk '{print $5}' | egrep -v '^$' | while read line; do repo=$(echo $line | sed -e "s/arn:aws:ecr.*\///g") ; aws ecr list-images --repository-name $repo --filter tagStatus=UNTAGGED --query 'imageIds[*]' --output text | while read imageId; do aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $repo --image-ids imageDigest=$imageId; done; done
What it's doing is:
If you have JQ, you can use this version that is more robust by not relying on the changing text format and also more efficient as it batch deletes once per repository:
aws ecr describe-repositories \
| jq --raw-output .repositories[].repositoryName \
| while read repo; do
imageIds=$(aws ecr list-images --repository-name $repo --filter tagStatus=UNTAGGED --query 'imageIds[*]' --output json | jq -r '[.[].imageDigest] | map("imageDigest="+.) | join (" ")');
if [[ "$imageIds" == "" ]]; then continue; fi
aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $repo --image-ids $imageIds;
This has been broken up into more lines for readability, so better put it into a function in your .bashrc, but you could of course stuff it into a single line:
aws ecr describe-repositories | jq --raw-output .repositories[].repositoryName | while read repo; do imageIds=$(aws ecr list-images --repository-name $repo --filter tagStatus=UNTAGGED --query 'imageIds[*]' --output json | jq -r '[.[].imageDigest] | map("imageDigest="+.) | join (" ")'); if [[ "$imageIds" == "" ]]; then continue; fi; aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $repo --image-ids $imageIds; done