App loads user's text files and each of them can be changed by user. On app's start I want to check if any file was changed since last time. I think the most efficient way is to calculate checksum of each file and save to one json file. On app's start I will check each file checksum and compare it to data from json file Is there any more optimal/efficient way of doing this ? Or how exactly calculate file checksum ?
I believe Using fs.stat
and checking 'last modified' is much faster than reading the whole file and comparing checksum as it is only metadata (and you don't actually read the whole file).
Also, If your files are located within different directories you can test if a folder was changed. this can reduce I/O calls (in case the last modified date didn't change you can skip checking the files on that folder).
You will have to store the 'last modified' date, I would use Redis for this. you will need to update it on every modification change and on the first run of course.
here is a function (and a function call) to test if a file or folder was changed:
let fs = require('fs');
let moment = require('moment');
let path = 'views'; //your folder path (views is an example folder)
wasFileChanged(path, (err,wasChanged) => {
if (wasChanged){
console.log('folder was changed, need to compare files');
//need to update redis here
//...comapre files to find what was changed
console.log('folder was not changed');
* Checks if a file/folder was changed
function wasFileChanged(path, callback) {, 'r', (err, fd) => {
if (err) {
return callback (err);
} else {
//obtain previous modified date of the folder (I would use redis to store/retrieve this data)
let lastModifed = '2016-12-03T00:41:12Z'; //put the string value here, this is just example
fs.stat(path, (err, data) => {
console.log('check if file/folder last modified date, was it after my last check ');
//I use moment module to compare dates
let previousLMM = moment(lastModifed);
let folderLMM = moment(data.mtime.toISOString());
let res = !(folderLMM.isSame(previousLMM, 'second')); //seconds granularity
return callback (null, res);