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'NoneType' error

I'm new to Python, I've looked at other code but have no idea how to remove the nonetype error from mine,

tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything")
if tutorial <1:
    print("That isn't valid")
if tutorial>0:
    print("That isn't valid")
if tutorial == 1:
    print("In battle you can use either sword, magic or items. Sword damage will be between your minimum and maximum damage, magic will be constant and can be used to heal or attack, items can be used to boost attack, restore health or armour")

I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 250, in run_nodebug
  File "C:\Users\Bas\Desktop\", line 50, in <module>
    tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything")
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Heres the full code:

playerhealth = 100
playerlow = 10
playerhigh = 30
playerarmour = 50
playermagic = 20
level = 0
xptonextlevel = 200
itemuse = 0

rookhealth = 100
rooklow = 10
rookhigh = 20
rookarmour = 100

medichealth = 150
mediclow = 10
medichigh = 30
medicarmour = 50

rushhealth = 20
rushlow = 10
rushhigh = 10
rusharmour = 30

drillerhealth = 30
drillerlow = 50
drillerhigh = 80
drillerarmour = 20

dragonhealth = 200
dragonlow = 150
dragonhigh = 250
dragonarmour = 150
dragonmagic = 100
dragonl = 45

godhealth = 300
godlow = 250
godhigh = 350
godarmour = 250
godmagic = 200
godl = 50

magehealth = 100
magearmour = 0
magemagic = 50
magel = 10

tutorial = input("Do you want to do the tutorial? 1 is yes and 0 is no, this will be the same for everything")
if tutorial <1:
    print("That isn't valid")
if tutorial>0:
    print("That isn't valid")
if tutorial == 1:
    print("In battle you can use either sword, magic or items. Sword damage will be between your minimum and maximum damage, magic will be constant and can be used to heal or attack, items can be used to boost attack, restore health or armour")

se = input("Input 1 for story or 0 for endless")


  • You get this error because the identifier input has been assigned the value None. Somewhere in your code, the following line must have been executed.

    input = None

    NoneType is the type of the singleton constant None. You will get the same error if you try to do this:

    >>> None("Do you want to do the tutorial?")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

    Python does not prevent you from overriding built-in functions with new values. Sometimes it can be useful to redefine for instance the function print. But in normal circumstances it's a bad idea to use input, list, int etc. as variable names, since that can cause bugs such as this one.

    You can reduce the likelyhood of accidentaly overwriting an identifier by using a dictionary instead of declaring a very long list of variables.

    gamestate = {
        'playerhealth': 100,
        'playerlow': 10,
        'playerhigh': 30,
        'input': None,
        'else': 42,

    You can use any string as a dictionary key without worrying about shadowing built-ins.