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Unit Test expects System.ServiceModel.FaultException

This is my Unit Test:

    public void RepoUnitTest_ExpectError()
        var repo = new CreateClientRepository(ClientServiceWrapper);

        IClientObject input = new ClientObject
            ClientId = 0,
            ClientName = null


I am providing invalid input to my client repository which in turn calls a third party client service, and I expect the client service to throw an error. And, client service throws an exception too, but not the way I expect it. I expect it "System.ServiceModel.FaultException", but it give me this:

Test method RepoUnitTest_ExpectError threw exception 
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail, System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]],
but exception System.ServiceModel.FaultException was expected.

Not sure what do I put in "ExpectedException" so this Unit Test passes with correctly expected exception.


  • Guess I should have waited few more minutes before posting this question, but I am glad did, now I can share the knowledge with whoever stumbles upon similar issue.

    The expected exception should be written this way (for this particular case):
