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assembly 8086 cursor placement

I want to place the cursor after the "paper:" wait until an ENTER is given and then place it after "author(s):". both sentences are defined variables that are printed.

enter image description here

    insert db "******* Insert new paper *******",0,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah, 0Dh, "$"  
    inserttitle db "  Title of paper:      ",0Dh,0Ah,0Ah, "  Name of author(s):     ",0Dh ,"$"
    mainext db ,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,0Ah,"     <<Main>>              <<Next>>","$"


newpaper proc

    call clrscr

    mov dx, offset insert
    call printf

    mov dx, offset inserttitle
    call printf

    mov dx, offset mainext
    call printf

    call w8click   

newpaper endp


  • Call next proc to position cursor :

    ;INPUT : DL=X, DH=Y.
    set_cursor proc
          mov  ah, 2                  ;◄■■ SERVICE TO SET CURSOR POSITION.
          mov  bh, 0                  ;◄■■ VIDEO PAGE.
          int  10h                    ;◄■■ BIOS SERVICES.
    set_cursor endp

    Example :

    call clrscr
    mov  dx, offset inserttitle ;◄■■ "  Title of paper:      "
    call printf
    mov  dl, 18                 ;◄■■ SCREEN COLUMN 18 (X).
    mov  dh, 2                  ;◄■■ SCREEN ROW 2 (Y).
    call set_cursor             ;◄■■ SET CURSOR POSITION.

    In previous example cursor will jump to after "paper: ".

    Edit : two more procs, cursor_on and cursor_off, to show and hide cursor:

    cursor_on proc
       mov  ah, 1
       mov  cx, 4          ;◄■■ BIG CURSOR.
       int  10h
    cursor_on endp
    cursor_off proc
       mov  ah, 1
       mov  cx, 20h        ;◄■■ NO CURSOR.
       int  10h
    cursor_off endp