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Do I need a WOW64 dump for GDI Handle analysis?

I'm debugging a potential GDI Handle Leak. Thanks to @Alois Kraus, there is a WinDbg script which performs a handle count.

From my debugging sessions, especially for .NET, I find that usually, it's better to have 32-bit dumps of 32-bit processes and 64-bit dumps of 64-bit processes.

Unfortunately, with 2 crash dumps I received, the script does not work. Looking deeper into it, I found out that the GdiSharedHandleTable is null in those dumps:

0:000> dt ntdll!_PEB GdiSharedHandleTable @$peb
   +0x094 GdiSharedHandleTable : (null) 

Now, on his website, Alois mentions

Important: If you are running on a 64 bit OS you need to attach the 64-bit Windbg even if you debug a 32-bit application!

Unfortunately, using 64-bit WinDbg on the 32-bit crash dump does not help. The result is still the same.

Now here's a theory:

  • some DLLs in a 32-bit process are 64 bit DLLs (see Windows Internals 5, Chapter 3, "System mechanisms," page 211)
  • ntdll is one of them (it is loaded twice, in the 64-bit version and the 32-bit version)
  • While GDI objects are user objects (and not kernel objects), they still need to be painted, etc. by the OS. Therefore it could be required that they are managed in the WOW64 layer
  • This would mean that I have to have a WOW64 crash dump to make it work

So my question is: do I have the seldom case here that I need a WOW64 crash dump? A more detailed explanation of my theory would be great. If there's a good explanation in some book already, a reference to the chapter is enough. I'll buy it if I don't have it yet.


  • For a GDI handle dump you need to take 64 bit dump even if it is a 32 bit process on a Win64 machine. If you take a 32 bit dump on a 64 bit machine the pointer to the GDI Shared handle table is null. It looks like this information is only captured for a 64 bit dump.

    That makes sense since you would need to deal with 64 bit pointers in a 32 bit process because the GDI handle table part of your process is mapped from the kernel space into your address space. I guess that was done to stay consistent with the rule that a 32 bit process should only contain pointers of the same bitness.