I'm debugging a potential GDI Handle Leak. Thanks to @Alois Kraus, there is a WinDbg script which performs a handle count.
From my debugging sessions, especially for .NET, I find that usually, it's better to have 32-bit dumps of 32-bit processes and 64-bit dumps of 64-bit processes.
Unfortunately, with 2 crash dumps I received, the script does not work. Looking deeper into it, I found out that the GdiSharedHandleTable is null
in those dumps:
0:000> dt ntdll!_PEB GdiSharedHandleTable @$peb
+0x094 GdiSharedHandleTable : (null)
Now, on his website, Alois mentions
Important: If you are running on a 64 bit OS you need to attach the 64-bit Windbg even if you debug a 32-bit application!
Unfortunately, using 64-bit WinDbg on the 32-bit crash dump does not help. The result is still the same.
Now here's a theory:
is one of them (it is loaded twice, in the 64-bit version and the 32-bit version)So my question is: do I have the seldom case here that I need a WOW64 crash dump? A more detailed explanation of my theory would be great. If there's a good explanation in some book already, a reference to the chapter is enough. I'll buy it if I don't have it yet.
For a GDI handle dump you need to take 64 bit dump even if it is a 32 bit process on a Win64 machine. If you take a 32 bit dump on a 64 bit machine the pointer to the GDI Shared handle table is null. It looks like this information is only captured for a 64 bit dump.
That makes sense since you would need to deal with 64 bit pointers in a 32 bit process because the GDI handle table part of your process is mapped from the kernel space into your address space. I guess that was done to stay consistent with the rule that a 32 bit process should only contain pointers of the same bitness.