I use on my code a closure with SSH of LaravelCollective on Laravel 5.3
But my surpise it's when try return exit for any commands, get a truncate result.
$exit = array();
SSH::run($cmd, function ($line) use (&$exit) {
echo $line.PHP_EOL;
$exit[] = $line;
dd($exit) // dd it's a var_dump + exit helper on Laravel
Well this code return a first part (echo $line.PHP_EOL) correct such below
And wrong result on array. 4
array:5 [
0 => """
4 => """
I try several options but any work fine.
I don't understand why i see perfect echo lines, but can't insert on array for work more later.
EDIT after some comments.
I see that problem it's closure, get a line
of SSH command how string with "\n". After get max size for string truncate, and run a new iteration of closure. That it's problem.
After some tests I have found a solution that although it does not seem very appropriate works.
The problem is that the SSH run method, returns as many string as necessary, for a byte limit, which I do not know.
We can not use an array, since the array would contain truncated elements, so the best thing in my opinion is to extract the line as a string and treat it later.
If someone can reply with a most grateful response,
$exit = '';
SSH::run($cmd, function ($line) use (&$exit) {
$exit = $exit.$line;
$arr = explode("\n",$exit);
Show correct result
array:863 [
0 => "/Volumes/MACBACKUP/cprsync_remote/hq/daily/users/tamainut/home"
1 => "/Volumes/MACBACKUP/cprsync_remote/hq/daily/users/tamainut/home/daily.0"
2 => "/Volumes/MACBACKUP/cprsync_remote/hq/daily/users/tamainut/home/daily.0/.appdata"
861 => "/Volumes/MACBACKUP/cprsync_remote/hq/daily/users/tamainut/home/daily.9/updates"
862 => ""
Attention to limit of string (2GB but other limitations imposes by memory_limit