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Hide LeftViewController or RightViewController with JASidePanels

I have implemented JASidePanels using storyboards in my project.

LeftViewController, CenterViewController and RightViewController have the same Custom Class "myViewController" in Identity Inspector, I can add functionallity to the buttons inside of them which code resides in myViewController.m, code needs to be in myViewController.m

The problem is when I need to check if an elementX in CenterViewController is visible, it always return Hidden = No even if the elementX in CenterViewController is visible and also I want to know how to implement a [self showCenterPanelAnimated:animated]; inside myViewController.m where I can show/hide panels when a button inside LeftViewController or RightViewController is pressed.

Thanks in advance


  • For second part of your question

    I want to know how to implement a [self showCenterPanelAnimated:animated]; inside myViewController.m where I can show/hide panels when a button inside LeftViewController or RightViewController is pressed.

    Please import JASidePanelController.h and UIViewController+JASidePanel.h in your file and add the line below on button click to show center panel.

    [self.sidePanelController showCenterPanelAnimated:YES];