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How to handle invalid forms for a REST POST?

I am developing a website that offers a REST service. All the GET actions are OK and rendered using a .json.twig template, but I am having a hard time understanding how to output form errors if the query made to create a new record is not valid. If I try to do a simple

return $form;

I get the following exception from SF:

"exception":[{"message":"Unable to find template \"SomeBundle:Customers:postCustomer.json.twig\"}]

The template does not exist, that's true, but I have no idea how to create one in JSON format to tell the requestor that his query is incomplete / malformed.

If I try anything else dealing with views but without specifying a template, the result is the same. Is there a way to do that automatically so that if the form is modified the change are reflected as well in the error ? Or a way to tell FOSRestBundle / JMSSerializerBundle to deal with the serialization themselves ? Before switching to Twig responses the error was nicely handled, and I'd like to have that back, along with the Twig templates for normal operations.

For information, my current controller's action is:

 * @ApiDoc(
 *      resource=false,
 *      input="SomeBundle\Form\CustomerType",
 *      description="Create a new customer",
 *      section="Customers",
 *      statusCode={
 *          201="Action successful",
 *          403="Authorization required but incorrect / missing information or insufficient rights",
 *          500="Returned if action failed for unknown reasons"
 *      }
 *  )
 * --View(template="SomeBundle:Customers:add.json.twig", templateVar="form", statusCode=400)
 * @View(templateVar="form", statusCode=400)
 * @param Request $request
 * @return \FOS\RestBundle\View\View
    public function postCustomerAction(Request $request) {
        $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
        $manager = $this->getManager();
        $customer = new Customer();
        $form = $this->getForm($customer);

//        $form->handleRequest($request);
//        if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
//            $manager->create($customer);
//            return $this->redirectView($this->generateUrl('api_get_customer_internal', ['uuid' => $customer->getInternalUuid()], true),
//                                       201);
//        }

        return $form;
        //return $this->handleView($this->view($form, 400));
        //return \FOS\RestBundle\View\View::create($form, 400);

And the FOSRestBundle configuration:

  param_fetcher_listener: true
  body_listener: true
    enabled: true
    view_response_listener: 'force'
      json: true
        json: true
      html: true
    failed_validation: HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
    default_engine: twig
    include_format: false
    default_format: json
    serialize_null: true

    annotations: true


  • Thanks to jorge07 at I was able to find a way to circumvent that in a rather proper way (at least IMHO), here's the updated Controller action (no change in the fosrestbundle settings required):

     * @Route("/customers")
     * @ApiDoc(
     *      resource=false,
     *      input="NetDev\CoreBundle\Form\CustomerType",
     *      description="Create a new customer",
     *      section="Customers",
     *      statusCode={
     *          201="Action successful",
     *          403="Authorization required but incorrect / missing information or insufficient rights",
     *          500="Returned if action failed for unknown reasons"
     *      }
     *  )
     * @View(template="NetDevRestBundle:Common:form_error.json.twig", templateVar="errors", statusCode=400)
     * @RequestParam(name="customerName", nullable=false)
     * @RequestParam(name="customerIndex", nullable=false)
     * @return \FOS\RestBundle\View\View
    public function postCustomerAction(ParamFetcher $fetcher)
        $customer = new Customer();
        $form = $this->getForm($customer);
        $form->submit($fetcher->all(), true);
        if ($form->isValid()) {
            $manager = $this->getManager();
            return $this->redirectView($this->generateUrl('api_get_customer_internal', ['uuid' => $customer->getInternalUuid()], true), 201);
        $err = $form->getErrors();
        $errorsList = [];
        foreach ($err as $it) {
            $errorsList[(string)$it->getOrigin()->getPropertyPath()] = $it->getMessage();
        return $this->view([$errorsList])