I'm trying to create a Pages file from a Template in JXA.
I've successfully got this working in Applescript but am unable to understand the conversion to JXA.
tell application "Pages"
set thisDocument to ¬
make new document with properties {document template:template "my-template-name"}
end tell
From understanding the function dictionary it really should be something like:
Pages = Application("Pages")
t = Pages.Template("my-template-name")
// produces: Error on line 2: Error: First parameter passed to Template constructor must be an object
doc = Pages.Document({
documentTemplate: t
But it produces the said error. Other things i tried are:
t = Pages.Template({
name: "my-template-name",
id: "my-template-name"
// Produces no error but doesn't open any template
t = Pages.Template({}, "my-template-name")
// Same, no error but no template
Really looking forward to some help here.
I just now found out myself.
To access available templates, use Pages.templates["my-template-name"]
Resulting in the correct code:
Pages = Application("Pages")
t = Pages.templates["my-template-name"]
doc = Pages.Document({
documentTemplate: t