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Castle Windsor propagating inline dependencies

I am trying to achieve object construction as shown below,

using (var context = new DbContext())
    var processor = new Processor(context, new Parser(context, new Logger(context)), new Logger(context));

but using Castle Windsor. I am using inline dependencies as the code shows below, but as the Castle Windsor documentation states "Inline dependencies don't get propagated" Castle Windsor passing arguments. How can I achieve this another way?

using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;
using System;

namespace IOCTesting
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new DbContext())
                var processor = new Processor(context, new Parser(context, new Logger(context)), new Logger(context));

            var container = new WindsorContainer();




            //[1] Creating my scope object here. (context)
            using (var context = new DbContext())
                var processor = container.Resolve<IProcessor>(new { context = context });

    public class DbContext : IDisposable
        public void Dispose()
            Console.WriteLine("DbContext disposed.");

    public class Processor : IProcessor
        private readonly DbContext _context;
        private readonly ILogger _logger;
        private readonly IParser _parser;

        //Dependency context passed in is the same object within the scope. See [1]
        public Processor(DbContext context, IParser parser, ILogger logger)
            _context = context;
            _parser = parser;
            _logger = logger;

    public class Parser : IParser
        private readonly DbContext _context;
        private readonly ILogger _logger;

        //Dependency context passed in is the same object within the scope. See [1]
        public Parser(DbContext context, ILogger logger)
            _context = context;
            _logger = logger;

    public class Logger : ILogger
        private readonly DbContext _context;

        //Dependency context passed in is the same object within the scope. See [1]
        public Logger(DbContext context)
            _context = context;

    public interface IProcessor

    public interface IParser

    public interface ILogger


  • You need to look at scoping; at the moment you're not specifying a scope so all dependencies will be singletons. Register DBContext along with ILogger, IParser, and IProcessor all with the Scoped lifestlye. E.G.


    Then you need to resolve your dependencies and use them within a scope. This would normally be managed in infrastructure, but at its simplest would look like this:

        var processor = container.Resolve<IProcessor>();
        // use processor here.

    Now a new DBContext will be created per scope and disposed when the container scope ends. You don't have to worry about initialising the DBContext or passing it to the Resolve method.