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Bash: Python3: command not found (Windows,

I've been trying to configure the discord API and for the purpose of running the Red-MusicBot on my server. I've installed Python 3.5, and added the PATH variables (I clicked the "add Python to PATH" option in install). Here's what my path variables currently look like:

C:\Users\Corey Rigney\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\Scripts\
C:\Users\Corey Rigney\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\

Those are the only ones related to Python. Now, as part of's install process, it wants me to run this command in Git Bash:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ python3 -m pip install -U .[voice]

The first two lines work perfectly, but the third line returns:

bash: python3: command not found

I also cloned pip from GitHub as an attempted fix, although the python install site says it comes packaged with 3.5.

I'm running windows 10, 64-bit.

The overall goal of this is to install a discord music bot, if it would help I can post the errors I get when trying to run that.


  • On Windows the normal name for the python executable is python.exe (console program) or pythonw.exe (for GUI programs).

    The python executable is sometimes called python3 on some platforms, where the default (python) is the old python 2. On many UNIX-based (inc. Linux and OS X) systems, python 2 is used by system utilities, changing it could have bad consequences on those platforms, hence the name "python3".

    On Windows you should be fine - there are other issues on Windows but you won't get those unless you try to use more than one python version.