I want to show the combinations of "offers" that have the same number of "bids". The Both "OID" of the combination and the number of "bids" should be output.
I know the logic I want to show which article has the same bids in combination of other article, but I don't know how I can write it down. Some code can help me to understand this.
More information about the structure of the tables "offer" and "bid". Also a "Expected result" which is shown the result
I really want to learn SQL.
Try running this..
SELECT temp1.OID as OID1,temp2.OID as OID2,temp1.count1 as numberOfBids
(SELECT t1.OID,COUNT(t1.BID) as count1
FROM bid t1 group by t1.OID) temp1
(SELECT t2.OID,COUNT(t2.BID) as count2
FROM bid t2 group by t2.OID) temp2
ON temp1.count1= temp2.count2
AND temp1.OID <> temp2.OID
But it will give output as below table
OID1 OID2 numberOfBids
1 2 2
1 5 2
2 5 2
5 1 2
5 2 2