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Mongo Explorer in Web Storm

I'm trying to log into my mongolab db from webstorm plugin. My problem is that I cant connect into url like:, my user doesn't have permissions and so I get "auth failed". I have to put my url with db on the end like: I just don't know how to put that url into Add mongo server dialog. It always gives me: "Port in the url is incorrect, it should be a number."

Does anyone knows what to do about that?


  • I literally just solved my issue and this is how I did it

    The General tab

    so you're basically given a url like this in your portal


    the server url is

    it is in the format host:port where host is and port is 50879

    next set user database to the name of your database (in this case blogdb). The Read references can stay on primary. Picture Of The General Tab Configuration

    Authentication tab

    • set username to your username
    • and password to your password
    • Auth.database will be the name of your database (in this case blogdb)
    • Finally, set Auth. mechanism to SCRAM-SHA-1 Picture of the Auth Tab Configuration

    and then click test connection.

    you should receive a message that says connection test successful then click okay. Click okay again to save your settings.. and voila Now it should be displayed in the explorer

    Now you are ready to use the shell

    and sorry I don't have enough reputation to display images and links but click the links to check out the steps if you get stuck

    use these images as guides