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Akka HTTP Websocket, how to identify connections inside of actor

I'm working on simple mulitplayer game in scala that I would like to expose through websockets for JS clients.

Here is my WebsocketServer class

class WebsocketServer(actorRef: ActorRef, protocol: Protocol, system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) extends Directives {

    val route = get {
      pathEndOrSingleSlash {

    def websocketFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Any] =
        .map {
          case TextMessage.Strict(textMessage) => protocol.hydrate(textMessage)
        .map(event => TextMessage.Strict(protocol.serialize(event)))

    def actorFlow : Flow[Protocol.Message, Protocol.Event, Any] = {
      val sink =
          .to(Sink.actorRef[Protocol.Message](actorRef, Protocol.CloseConnection()))

      val source =
          .mapMaterializedValue(actor => actorRef ! Protocol.OpenConnection(actor))

      Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source)

This is simplified code of my actor that should receive messages from websocket server.

class GameActor() extends Actor {

  private var connections: List[ActorRef] = List()

  override def receive: Receive = {

    case message: Protocol.OpenConnection => {
      this.connections = message.connection :: this.connections
      message.connection ! Protocol.ConnectionEstablished()

    case message: Protocol.CloseConnection => {
      // how can I remove actor from this.connections ?

    case message: Protocol.DoSomething => {
      // how can I identify from which connection this message came in?

So far so good, currently I'm able to respond with simple WelcomeMessage to a client however I still don't know how to:

  • remove actor from connections list whenever actor receive CloseConnection message?
  • identify from which connection message came to the actor?


  • I think you need to have some sort of key or id to map with your connection actor.

    def websocketFlow: Flow[Message, Message, Any] =
      val randomKey = Random.nextInt()
            .map {
              case TextMessage.Strict(textMessage) => protocol.hydrate(textMessage)
            .map(event => TextMessage.Strict(protocol.serialize(event)))
        def actorFlow(flowID: Int) : Flow[Protocol.Message, Protocol.Event, Any] = {
          val sink =
              .to(Sink.actorRef[Protocol.Message](actorRef, Protocol.CloseConnection(flowID)))
          val source =
              .mapMaterializedValue(actor => actorRef ! Protocol.OpenConnection(actor, flowID))
          Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source)

    then in your actor you can store the connections in a Map instead of List, which also happen to be more efficient to be remove.