I have a callback function which returns the body of a AMQP message as each message is received. I would like to be able to assign the content of the body to a global variable and then work with it further on in my program.
I have created a global variable at the top of my script and have used the global keyword within the callback function which I understand should allow me to update the global variable at the top of my script, however when I import the 'global variable' from another script I get the original value of 'test' returned rather than the current value of body from within the callback function...
**python/pika imports and credentials go here**
T_MSG = "test" # create global variable
def main():
(username, password) = open(CREDENTIALS_FILE).read().splitlines()
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username, password)
params = pika.ConnectionParameters(AMQP_HOST, AMQP_PORT, AMQP_EXCHANGE, credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(params)
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue=QUEUE_NAME, durable=False)
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
#print "received message: %r" % body
global T_MSG # Define that I want to work with the global variable
#assert isinstance(body, object)
T_MSG = str(body) # assign the value of body to the global variable
print T_MSG # this prints out the body as expected
return T_MSG
#ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag)
channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=QUEUE_NAME, no_ack=False)
print 'waiting for new messages on queue: '
from consumer import T_MSG
print T_MSG # this prints the original value of T_MSG e.g. 'Test'
I cant understand why the value of T_MSG is not being updated from within the callback function as I can clearly see that the print statement is printing the correct value of body - but even though I have declared this as global within the callback function, when I import the value of T_MSG and try to print it, I get the originally assigned value of 'Test' rather than the content of the body I am expecting...
I am under the impression that each time the callback function receives a message and 'processes' it, the new value of body should be assigned to the T_MSG (global) variable and thus I should be able to import it into my importer.py script - but this isn't working and everything I have read just points to using the global keyword within the function to make this so...
Any help is much appreciated!
After importing, you need to call consumer.main() to get your variable changed:
import consumer
print consumer.T_MSG # here you should see the original value
print consumer.T_MSG # now it will be updated