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Upload zip to hockeyapp with VSTS fails

Outline: when uploading a generated zip file to hockeyapp, the step fails with nothing in the log.

In VSTS I have this build setup

Build setup

The build step look like this MSBuild step

The arguments sent to msbuild is

/p:AppxBundlePlatforms="$(BuildPlatform)" /p:AppxPackageDir="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\AppxPackages\" /p:AppxBundle=Always /p:UapAppxPackageBuildMode=StoreUpload

It builds fine, and creates my artifacts: Artifacts produced by build step

Nothing wrong here. It is like i want it.

But something goes wrong when I try to release the _Test folder to HokeyApp. This is how my release setup

Release setup

The zip step is doing the zip fine. Creates the zip file, but when it reaches the HokeyApp step, it fails after 10-15 seconds. Here is how I have setup the hockeyapp step: HockeyApp step

I have tried to upload the appxupload artifact, and it allows me to do so, but I dont want that. I want the zipped _Test artifact uploaded. The hokeyapp step log gives me nothing

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6949753Z ##[section]Starting: Upload to HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Task         : HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Description  : Deploy your alpha and beta builds of mobile apps to HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Version      : 1.0.0

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Help         : 

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:09.0241255Z c1cc894e-c665-4c94-b6d1-a0fe5164fabd exists true

2016-11-30T21:43:12.5465049Z ##[section]Finishing: Upload to HockeyApp

How is this possible? Shouldnt I be able to upload the .zip file to HokeyApp? I can upload the _Test zip file, if I do it through VS.

I am doing something wrong here? I have used quite some time on this, so any suggestions would be appreciated!!

Here is the whole release log , just in case

2016-11-30T21:42:47.5913557Z ##[section]Starting: Release

2016-11-30T21:42:47.6113574Z Current agent version: '2.109.1'

2016-11-30T21:42:48.4311090Z Downloading task: ArchiveFiles

2016-11-30T21:42:50.1468654Z Downloading task: HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:42:53.1334019Z ##[section]Starting: Download Artifacts

2016-11-30T21:42:53.1454012Z ReleaseId=16, TeamProjectId=44db8ed4-94b4-4e35-8cd8-205881b9686c, ReleaseDefinitionName=Tweed

2016-11-30T21:42:53.1614017Z Release folder: C:\a\r1\a

2016-11-30T21:42:53.1754004Z Environment variables available are below.  Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing "_" with "." e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: 

                [AGENT_ID] --> [1]

                [BUILD_BUILDID] --> [46]

                [RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_BUILD_CI_PACKAGE_BUILDURI] --> [vstfs:///Build/Build/46]

                [RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_BUILD_CI_PACKAGE_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [582f0e68-9531-4663-8559-e6a12e3f8f4c]

                [REQUESTEDFORID] --> [582f0e68-9531-4663-8559-e6a12e3f8f4c]

                [BUILD_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [582f0e68-9531-4663-8559-e6a12e3f8f4c]

                [AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT] --> [VSTS_f43ace1e-817e-4992-b28c-756a83e50efd_release_1_16_16_1]


                [RELEASE_RELEASENAME] --> [Release-16]

                [AGENT_VERSION] --> [2.109.1]

                [BUILD_BUILDURI] --> [vstfs:///Build/Build/46]

                [SYSTEM_HOSTTYPE] --> [release]

                [SYSTEM_CULTURE] --> [en-US]

                [BUILD_SOURCEVERSION] --> [dc3c85c0df5e4b130fad22f4ce7dbf7471a2500f]

                [SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY] --> [C:\a\r1\a]


                [AGENT_JOBSTATUS] --> [Succeeded]

                [RELEASE_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [Tweed]

                [RELEASE_RELEASEID] --> [16]


                [MSDEPLOY_HTTP_USER_AGENT] --> [VSTS_f43ace1e-817e-4992-b28c-756a83e50efd_release_1_16_16_1]


                [SYSTEM_TOTALJOBSINPHASE] --> [1]

                [RELEASE_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [...]

                [RELEASE_RELEASEDESCRIPTION] --> []

                [SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT] --> [Tweed]

                [RELEASE_RELEASEWEBURL] --> [...]

                [SYSTEM_JOBID] --> [...]

                [AGENT_RELEASEDIRECTORY] --> [C:\a\r1\a]

                [BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [Build CI package]


                [RELEASE_RELEASEURI] --> [vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/16]

                [BUILD_BUILDNUMBER] --> [...]

                [AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY] --> [C:\LR\Mms\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\2.109.1]

                [SYSTEM_WORKFOLDER] --> [C:\a]

                [RELEASE_DEFINITIONID] --> [1]

                [BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH] --> [refs/heads/master]

                [AGENT_MACHINENAME] --> [TASKAGENT5-0007]

                [BUILD_REPOSITORY_PROVIDER] --> [TfsGit]


                [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTS_BETA_STATUS] --> [InProgress]

                [AGENT_WORKFOLDER] --> [C:\a]

                [BUILD_TYPE] --> [Build]

                [SYSTEM_PARALLELEXECUTIONTYPE] --> [None]

                [SYSTEM_TIMELINEID] --> [5bd0571c-c6d6-4fb7-aeeb-8cb6c84badd6]



                [AGENT_ROOTDIRECTORY] --> [C:\a]


                [AGENT_JOBNAME] --> [Release]

                [RELEASE_DEPLOYPHASEID] --> [16]

                [BUILD_DEFINITIONID] --> [4]

                [AGENT_NAME] --> [Hosted Agent]

                [SYSTEM_JOBPOSITIONINPHASE] --> [1]

                [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTID] --> [16]

                [BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME] --> [master]

                [SYSTEM_ENABLEACCESSTOKEN] --> [False]

                [SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY] --> [C:\a\r1\a]

                [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENTID] --> [16]


                [BUILD_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [...]


                [BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME] --> [...]

                [SYSTEM] --> [release]

                [RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_BUILD_CI_PACKAGE_SOURCEVERSION] --> [dc3c85c0df5e4b130fad22f4ce7dbf7471a2500f]

                [AGENT_SERVEROMDIRECTORY] --> [C:\LR\Mms\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\2.109.1\externals\vstsom]

                [SYSTEM_TASKDEFINITIONSURI] --> []

                [RELEASE_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [Martin Slot]

                [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTNAME] --> [Beta]

                [SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID] --> [f43ace1e-817e-4992-b28c-756a83e50efd]

                [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI] --> [vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/16]


                [RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_BUILD_CI_PACKAGE_SOURCEBRANCH] --> [refs/heads/master]

                [RELEASE_SKIPARTIFACTSDOWNLOAD] --> [False]

                [RELEASE_ATTEMPTNUMBER] --> [1]

                [SYSTEM_PLANID] --> [fccff008-3e4a-4d57-872f-35994d5c28f9]

                [SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID] --> [44db8ed4-94b4-4e35-8cd8-205881b9686c]

2016-11-30T21:42:53.1754004Z Downloading artifact

2016-11-30T21:42:54.0592894Z Cleaning artifacts directory: C:\a\r1\a

2016-11-30T21:42:54.0592894Z Cleaned artifacts directory: C:\a\r1\a

2016-11-30T21:42:54.0712858Z Starting artifacts download...

2016-11-30T21:42:54.1053041Z Downloading linked artifact Build CI package of type Build...

2016-11-30T21:42:54.1053041Z Created artifact folder C:\a\r1\a\Build CI package

2016-11-30T21:42:54.1875602Z Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build

2016-11-30T21:42:54.7212893Z Preparing to download artifact: drop

2016-11-30T21:42:54.7292887Z Artifact Type: ServerDrop

2016-11-30T21:42:55.3570619Z Caching items under 'drop' in the file container...

2016-11-30T21:42:55.5149683Z Caching complete. (157 ms)

2016-11-30T21:43:00.9780683Z 10 downloads remaining.

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2739672Z Download complete.

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2759665Z 29 placed file(s): 29 downloaded, 0 empty

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2759665Z 29 MB downloaded at 2983 KB/sec. Download time: 00:00:09.7433696. Parallel download limit: 4.

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2759665Z Downloaded linked artifact Build CI package

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2759665Z Finished artifacts download

2016-11-30T21:43:05.2809727Z ##[section]Finishing: Download Artifacts

2016-11-30T21:43:05.3604337Z ##[section]Starting: Archive files 

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4024556Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4024556Z Task         : Archive Files

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4024556Z Description  : Archive files using a variety of compression formats such as .7z, .rar, .tar.gz, and .zip.

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4024556Z Version      : 1.0.9

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4024556Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4034557Z Help         : [More Information](

2016-11-30T21:43:05.4034557Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:06.2792624Z [command]C:\a\_tasks\ArchiveFiles_d8b84976-e99a-4b86-b885-4849694435b0\1.0.9\7zip\7z.exe a -tzip C:\a\r1\a\Build CI package\drop\ Tweed_1.1.1.0_Test


2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z 7-Zip [64] 16.00 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-10


2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Scanning the drive:

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z 20 folders, 28 files, 22367999 bytes (22 MiB)


2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Creating archive: C:\a\r1\a\Build CI package\drop\


2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Items to compress: 48



2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Files read from disk: 28

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Archive size: 21992428 bytes (21 MiB)

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6809768Z Everything is Ok

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6939754Z ##[section]Finishing: Archive files 

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6949753Z ##[section]Starting: Upload to HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Task         : HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Description  : Deploy your alpha and beta builds of mobile apps to HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Version      : 1.0.0

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z Help         : 

2016-11-30T21:43:07.6969757Z ==============================================================================

2016-11-30T21:43:09.0241255Z c1cc894e-c665-4c94-b6d1-a0fe5164fabd exists true

2016-11-30T21:43:12.5465049Z ##[section]Finishing: Upload to HockeyApp

2016-11-30T21:43:12.5475064Z ##[section]Finishing: Release

Even if i specify the zip file directly, not using the *.zip, in the hockeyapp step, it gives me the same result.

What really annoys me is the that HockeyApp task step log shows me NOTHING :) Maybe I am building it wrong? Or? Am I doing something that is not possible yet with the hockeyapp task?

I really hope someone can help me.


  • Solved. The problem was the zip task. This task created a zip file with a the folder inside, instead of just taking all the files from the source and put in the zip. I installed "zip directories" from the market place, and it did the job.