I want to compile, with pandoc
, a Markdown document containing CJK elements (Chinese, actually).
It was stated there that --latex-engine=xelatex
option allows pandoc
to compile Unicode characters.
However, I tried
compiled with (in bash)
pandoc -s -o cjk.pdf --latex-engine=xelatex cjk.md
But the resulting .pdf
has only Hello
shown, while 你好
was missing.
Have I missed something?
is updated; I'm using Macbook Air (bought 2012), updated to Sierra.
I have properly installed xelatex
(in MacTex I suppose), since when I used texstudio
to compile xelatex
, there was no problem.
Solved. Tl;dr: it's not enough to set compiler to be xelatex
instead of pdflatex
; one has to include package xeCJK
as well, but for where it should be, see below.
Edit: the below can also be achieved by setting these pandoc template variables:
CJKmainfont: STSong
- BoldFont=STHeiti
- ItalicFont=STKaiti
Hello 你好
In my case, pandoc
reads a .md
, converts it to be a .tex
, and call compiler to compile that to be a .pdf
Thus, in theory, what I can do normally with a tex-like compiler, can be done with pandoc
as well --- it is only that I have to specify required template.
The pandoc
calls its own latex template, which we can cat
in the terminal by a prewritten command:
pandoc -D latex > default.latex
This essentially copies a new file default.latex
to .
(current directory).
It is this I now modify.
Append this option to pandoc
when compiling:
In the past I type Chinese characters (or more generally, CJK), I use a template beginning with
\usepackage{xeCJK}% use Latin font whenever possible
\usepackage{fontspec}% set Chinese fonts, as follows
% .... whatever xeCJK commands you use
The fonts should be those your system permits; these shown above are shipped with mac.
But when I simply pasted this into the pandoc-provied template, there were many cryptic error messages
option clash for package XXXX....
This was because the pandoc-proviede template already defined xeCJK
. Indeed, search these lines:
These lines (quoted part) should be replaced by
% .... and so on, whatever you call from xeCJK
i.e., delete if
, so that xeCJK
is always executed; otherwise, xeCJK
line will not be copied to the intermediate .tex
And also delete \usepackage{fontspec}
, because it is called by pandoc
by default, otherwise error message occurs for packages are called twice in the intermediate .tex
Sorry I didn't keep track of every websites from which I referenced, but none gets it all right anyway, or are outdated.
Of most help is mb21, who suggested in the comment that I output .tex
to debug, after which I found xeCJK
was not included.
I have spent some 10+ hrs on this issue, but from now on I can happily type Chinese in a markdown file. I have wrote this down for poor posterity's sake.