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Detaching only the last child in parent using JSPlumb

I am working on a project where we have objects in a 4-by-X grid. We are using JS Plumb to connect these objects, but we noticed when it connects object 4 to object 5, that the line makes an ugle diagnoal and ends up crossing behind the first row. Is there a way we can scope the Draw(); function to only first 4 objects? That way the 5th will still drop to a new line, but won't have the diagonal connectors.

Here is my JS Function

In my function, I use a class of no-lines on my object's parent element to define a group that will not get the drawLines(); function at all. I believe since I am drawing these based on the parent function, that I won't be able to stop the draw event for the last-child of my parent.


        var drawLines = function(){

                var newplumb = jsPlumb.getInstance();

                $(this).find('.training-directory-methodology-stage-class').each(function(index, value){
                    current_class = $(this);

                    if(index>0) {
                            source: previous_class,
                            target: current_class,
                            anchor: "Center",
                            connector: "Straight",
                            endpoint: "Blank",
                            paintStyle:{lineWidth:6, strokeStyle:'#4A5C68' }


                    previous_class = current_class;


        jsPlumb.ready(function() {


Here are some of the functions that I've tried


I also tried to detach based on my parent-container, but to no avail.


Since these projects tend to be pretty code-heavy, I created JSFiddle here were you can see what I have so far! I appreciate all the help with this! Thanks!


  • Okay, so I figured out a solution.

    Since we have multiple 'sections' with a different amount of objects in each parent, I decided to build out a separate draw function. This one lets me choose where my lines start and stop in the drawing.

    So here is my new 'draw' aka breakLines(); function.

    var breakLines = function(){
        // Check this class for the class of '.no-lines'
          jsPlumb.Defaults.Endpoint = "Blank";
          var endpointOptions = { isSource: true, isTarget: true };
          //Use the iterative divs to find the first and fourth child
          var convert1 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint( $('.convert1'), { anchor: "Center" }, endpointOptions );
          var convert4 = jsPlumb.addEndpoint( $('.convert4'), { anchor: "Center" }, endpointOptions );
          // New Connection
            source: convert1,
            target: convert4,
            anchor: "Center",
            connector: "Straight",
            endpoint: "Blank",
            paintStyle:{ lineWidth:6, strokeStyle:'#4A5C68' }

    To get the added 1-4 on my dynamic divs, I used this function so they would be generated and then have the class added.

    $(document).ready(function() {
      $(".convert-container").each(function(i) {
        $(this).addClass("convert" + (i+1));

    **Note, the divs are not dynamic in my fiddle, but on my live page they are :)

    After fitting this function in with my exisiting JS, I was able to turn off the original drawLines(); function on the sections that had more than 4 objects, and replace it with this. You can see how the new breakLines(); function pipes my objects in this JSFiddle