Search code examples

Pandas Median on index not values

My datas :

LogRatio    Strength
 0.555         9.1
 0.542         9.6
 0.533         9.7
 0.532         9.3
 0.519         9.2
 0.508         9.5

I want to have the point(LogRatio,Strength) that is the median position of my group indexA-indexB

indexA = 0
indexB = 4
point_logRatio = df['LogRatio'][indexA:indexB].median()
point_Strength = df[df['LogRatio']==point_logRatio['Strength'].iloc[0]

But I don't want to calcul the median with values, I just want the index of the row to get the LogRatio and the strength corresponding. Because point_logRatio calcul the median and don't give me just the row. That's why my point_Strength doesn't work because the median calculated don't match with a value of the dataframe.

So, if you have an easier way to get the LogRatio and the Strength at the same time where LogRatio is at a median position in my dataframe between indexA and indexB, thank you.

At the end, I would like to have : point = (0.533 , 9.7)

Because 0.533 is the logRatio at the median position between my index 0 and 4 in my dataframe and the strength corresponding is 9.7.


  • you can try

    median_position = (indexA+indexB)/2
    point_logRatio  = df.iloc[median_position]['LogRatio']
    point_Strength  = df.iloc[median_position]['Strength']