I am new into Modelica/Dymola-modeling. I started to model fluid models for my master-thesis (pipes, heaters, control). My professor suggested: Check the eigenvalues of the systems and the ratio of them (and if the systems is stiff). So did the following:
The simulation restuls are Ok.
But the linear analysis says: The system is not stable --> what does that mean?
And regarding eigenvalues i get the following result:
I have to say that I am not really into numerics. So these are my questions:
Any recommendations for a (simple) introduction book/chapter that explains general things like :linearication of Models, eigenvalues, etc.?
Thank you very much for your help.
An eigenvalue with real part < 0 is stable; and the ratio between the smallest one and the largest one can be seen as the "stiffness".
An eigenvalue with real part > 0 is clearly instable.
Eigenvalues with real part == 0 are more complicated; they are written as "not stable" - but are on the border between stable and instable.
Since the imaginary parts are also zero they are pure integrators, and a fluid tank that can be seen as an integrator; which explains why you have so many eigenvalues at zero. (If the imaginary part is non-zero they are un-damped oscillators.)
Thus I would skip the zero eigenvalues in the analysis.
The "detectable/controllable" refer to the case when your model have outputs and inputs (and stabilizable is a combination of them).