I have a query regarding .ipa distribution with Crashlytics.
I only have a .ipa file & I want to distribute to a tester via Fabric. I have no access on Xcode on my machine.
I know that I can distribute If I have Xcode on my system but this time I do not want to distribute from Xcode.
So can anyone guide me how to distribute IPA file using Fabric Beta without Xcode?
Mike from Fabric here.
You would at least need Xcode's command line tools installed. Then you can run the following command:
/path/to/Crashlytics.framework/submit <API_KEY> <BUILD_SECRET> \
-ipaPath /path/to/my.ipa -emails TestEmail@fabric.io,AmazingTester@twitter.com \
-notesPath ~/Notes/ReleaseNotes.txt \
-groupAliases GroupAlias,GroupAlias2 \
-notifications YES