I have two dataframes: cnv_1
chr start end
3 62860387 63000898
12 31296219 31406907
14 39762575 39769146
19 43372386 43519442
19 56419263 56572829
chr start end
6 30994163 30995078
19 43403531 44608011
18 1731154 1833682
3 46985863 47164711
with aprox 150000 entries each. I would like to know which fragments of cnv_1
overlap in any way with cnv_2
, and -this is the most important for me- to obtain the specific region that overlap.
For example, doing that to the data.frames of the example, to obtain:
chr start end
19 43403531 43519442
thank you very much
based on the link shared :
cnv_3 <- merge(cnv_1, cnv_2, by = "chr", suffixes = letters[1:2])
# below function has 3 conditions : 1 fully inside the interval and 2 partial overlap cases
func <- function(x){
if(x["starta"]>x["startb"] & x["enda"]<x["endb"])
else if( x["starta"]<x["startb"] & x["enda"] < x["endb"]){
} else if( x["starta"] >x["startb"]&x["starta"]<x["endb"]&x["enda"]>x["endb"]){
c(x[1] ,rep(NA, length(x)-1))
df <- data.frame(t(apply(cnv_3, 1, func)))
df <- df[!is.na(df[,1]),][1:3]
colnames(df) <- colnames(cnv_1)
# incase you want all the original cnv_1 rows with NA's for non-overlapping
xxx <- cnv_1[!(cnv_1$chr %in% df$chr),]
xxx$start <- xxx$end <- NA
rbind(xxx, df)
# chr start end
#2 12 NA NA
#3 14 NA NA
#31 3 NA NA
#4 19 43403531 43519442
#5 19 NA NA