I'm bit new dumb in PS. I've gone through very much all questions logged here and tried my level best to work for me, but unfortunately didn't work for me as I want to.
I'm trying to copy the whole folder structure apart of excluding some. For e.g I want to copy whole c:\Program Files\myTest to Destination C:\Program Files\TargetTest except (exclude below folders) c:\Program Files\myTest\_Backup and c:\Program Files\myTest\Processor\Reports
$SourceFolder = "$env:ProgramFiles\myTest\"
$TargetFolder = "$env:ProgramFiles\TargetTest"
$BackupRootFolderName = "_Backup"
$BackupRootFolderPath = "$TargetFolder\$BackupRootFolderName"
$BackupFolderPath = "$BackupRootFolderPath\$(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)"
Get-Item -Path $SourceFolder\* -Exclude $ReportExclude, _Backup| % { write-host $_.fullname; Copy-Item -path $_.fullname -destination $TargetFolder -recurse}
When I run above code it copies everything and exclude the only _Backup but copy the Reports folder/files anyway, which I don't want to be copied.
Could someone please look into this and point me out what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you very much
solution was not that easy, the -Exclude switch exclude folder but not sub items, the -Filter switch use wildcard but take a single string as parameters.. (by the way @whatever was right when he said the -recurse switch on Copy-Item cancel your exclusion on Get-ChildItems)
finally i solved it in a dirty but working way :
Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Recurse | ? { $_.FullName -notlike $ReportExclude -and $_.FullName -notlike $BackupRootFolderName } | % { write-host $_.FullName; Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $($_.FullName -replace $SourceFolder, $TargetFolder) -Force}
Edit, because i don't understand what is not working in your configuration, let's test a full script with loggin :
$SourceFolder = "$env:ProgramFiles\myTest\"
$ReportExclude = "$env:ProgramFiles\myTest\Processor\Reports\*.rdl"
$TargetFolder = "$env:ProgramFiles\TargetTest"
$BackupRootFolderName = "_Backup"
$BackupRootFolderPath = "$TargetFolder\$BackupRootFolderName"
$BackupFolderPath = "$BackupRootFolderPath\$(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss)"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
$WarningPreference = "Continue"
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Function Copy-MyFiles($FileFullNameSource)
Write-Verbose "file source : $FileFullNameSource"
if ($FileFullNameSource -notlike $ReportExclude -and $FileFullName -notlike $BackupRootFolderName)
$FileFullNameDestination = $FileFullNameSource -replace $SourceFolder, $TargetFolder
Write-Verbose "file destination : $FileFullNameDestination"
Copy-Item -Path $FileFullNameSource -Destination $FileFullNameDestination -Force
if (Test-Path $FileFullNameDestination)
Write-Host "$FileFullNameDestination ok" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Warning "$FileFullNameDestination is missing in destination folder"
Write-Host "$FileFullNameSource is excluded"
Write-Warning ($_.Exception | Select-Object -Property Message | Out-String)
Write-Verbose "source folder : $SourceFolder"
Write-Verbose "target folder : $TargetFolder"
Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Recurse | % { Copy-MyFiles $_.FullName }