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"device-function-maxrregcount" message while compiling cuda code

I am trying to write a code which performs multiple vector dot product inside the kernel. I'm using cublasSdot function from cublas library to perform vector dot product. This is my code:

using namespace std;
__global__ void ker(float * a, float * c,long long result_size,int n, int m)
float *sum;
int id = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
float *out1,*out2;
int k;

                cublasHandle_t handle;
                out1 = a + id*m;
                        out2 =a + k*m;
                        cublasSdot(handle, m,out1,1,out2,1,sum);
                        c[id*n + k]= *sum;
int main()
int n=70000,m=100;
long result_size=n;
float * dev_data,*dev_result;
float * data = new float [n*m];
float * result = new float [result_size];
for (int i = 0; i< n; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j <m;j++)

cudaMalloc ((void**)&dev_data,sizeof(float)*m*n);
cudaMalloc ((void**)&dev_result,sizeof(float)*result_size);
cudaMemcpy( dev_data, data, sizeof(float) * m* n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
int block_size=1024;
int grid_size=ceil((float)result_size/(float)block_size);
cudaMemcpy(result, dev_result, sizeof(float)*(result_size), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
return 0;

I have included cublas_v2 library and used the following command to compile the code:

nvcc -lcublas_device -arch=sm_35 -rdc=true -o askstack

But I got the following message:

ptxas info    : 'device-function-maxrregcount' is a BETA feature

Can anyone please let me know what should I do regarding this message?


  • This message is informational, as said by talonmies.

    This maxregcount option of NVCC is used to specify a limit of registers that can be used by a kernel and all the device functions it uses :

    If a kernel is limited to a certain number of registers with the launch_bounds attribute or the --maxrregcount option, then all functions that the kernel calls must not use more than that number of registers; if they exceed the limit, then a link error will be given.

    See : NVCC Doc : 6.5.1. Object Compatibility

    It seems that device-function-maxregcount is used to override this value for device functions only. So, you can have a different maximum amount of registers allowed on kernels and device functions.

    For device functions, this option overrides the value specified by --maxregcount.

    Source : The CUDA Handbook