I want to render HTML plot in shiny app.
I refer radar chart from http://www.buildingwidgets.com/blog/2015/12/9/week-49-d3radarr
But this plot doesn't render to shiny app.
I refer this question plotGoogleMaps in shiny app
But it's kind of different.
Is there way to render this plot in shiny app??
My code is following:
dataset = jsonlite::fromJSON(
"key":"Nokia Smartphone",
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.26 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.10 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.30 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.14 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.04 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.41 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.30 }
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.27 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.16 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.35 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.13 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.20 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.13 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.35 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.38 }
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.28 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.29 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.17 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.02 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.21 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.50 }
simplifyDataFrame = FALSE
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Rader Chart"),
selectInput('tmp1', 'Tmp1', c(None='.')),
selectInput('tmp2', 'Tmp2', c(None='.'))
tabPanel("Plot", uiOutput('plot'))
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderUI({
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
You need to use specific shiny function from d3radarR package :
dataset = jsonlite::fromJSON(
"key":"Nokia Smartphone",
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.26 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.10 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.30 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.14 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.04 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.41 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.30 }
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.27 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.16 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.35 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.13 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.20 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.13 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.35 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.38 }
{ "axis":"Battery Life", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Brand", "value":0.28 },
{ "axis":"Contract Cost", "value":0.29 }, { "axis":"Design And Quality", "value":0.17 },
{ "axis":"Have Internet Connectivity", "value":0.22 }, { "axis":"Large Screen", "value":0.02 },
{ "axis":"Price Of Device", "value":0.21 }, { "axis":"To Be A Smartphone", "value":0.50 }
simplifyDataFrame = FALSE
ui <- pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Rader Chart"),
selectInput('tmp1', 'Tmp1', c(None='.')),
selectInput('tmp2', 'Tmp2', c(None='.'))
tabPanel("Plot", d3radarOutput('plot'))
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderD3radar({
shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)