I combined org-mode with lisp-mode to achieve beautiful code folding in emacs for lisp code: lisp-orgi-mode. Basically, I use ';' instead of '*' as the heading character. For comments, I just put a space before the ';', making it ' ;' so it doesn't count as a heading...
However, doing the same thing with python-mode doesn't work... Probably because the '#' character used by python comments interferes with org-mode settings...
Anyone been able to combine the functionality successfully ? I know people have combined python-mode with outline-mode (link), but ouline-mode isn't as good as org-mode...
Edit: Got it working nicely with outline-magic: python-magic.el
I use hideshow-org (and a small introduction here) for this purpose, and I think it works really, really good.
These are some additional, but useful snippets:
(dolist (hook (list 'c-mode-common-hook
(add-hook hook 'my-hideshow-hook))
(defun my-hideshow-hook ()
(progn (require 'hideshow-org)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c h") 'hs-org/minor-mode)
(defadvice goto-line (after expand-after-goto-line activate compile)
"hideshow-expand affected block when using goto-line in a collapsed buffer"